How do I become a member, and why should…
Joining the Association is absolutely not mandatory to take part in the Sunday Skate, everybody is welcome on that event.
However, the Association does need members to support its continued existence and keep providing these free weekly events.
Becoming a member (for about 30€/year) will let you :
- show your support for Rollers & Coquillages
- benefit from the specific insurance coverage subscribed by the Association for its skates and activities
- participate to any members-only events (specific skating outings, weekends and travels etc…) that might be organized
To register as a member (registration process in french language only), press this button : Register
Everything else you might want to know, you’ll find on this page : Rollers & Coquillages, the Association
C'est quoi, ce club? On y fait quoi? Pourquoi et comment adhérer? etc...