I’d like to help as a marshall, how do…
First of all, bravo! Good decision 🙂
And thank you for all skaters who depend on the commitment of volunteers for the event to happen!
Well then, 1st step : make contact
Show up on a sunday before 2pm at the staff room, with :
- your skating gear, duh!
- your eager and cheerful mood,
- your membership registration (required).
You might also want to message us via Facebook, email or smoke signals, so we are aware of your intent to join, even better.
2nd step : the 3 “buddy training” skates
We will provide you with an official jumper (if you carry a backpack, you will need to leave it at the staff room or wear the jumper over it, for proper visibility), and off you go on your first skate with a “buddy” experienced marashall who will show you the ropes of your future mission.
After each of these training skates, we will review with you how it went, what may need adjustments in your skating technique or way with people.
Don’t worry, it’s really no big deal ! All we’ll be asking you is to :
- show reasonable skills on your skates,
- demonstrate some endurance,
- be able to sustain focus on the surroundings and potential dangers,
- know how to remain calm in the event of conflicts with other road users.
If that first skate suits you, you return twice more for more training, young padawan.
3rd step :
You’ve survived the 3 buddy training skates, you have shown the required qualities, everything went well: you receive your yellow jersey.
Congratulations, you have now become a “staffeur” (marshall in franglish) !