Do I need to be an expert skater ?
This skate is intended to be relatively easy. We welcome any skater with a minimum level of skills. Still, for everybody’s safety and enjoyment, you need to have sufficient control on your trajectory and some braking abilities.
You will also need to take into account your stress level (first-time experience of skating in a crowd may be slightly taxing) and your physical condition.
If you don’t trust your braking when approaching a downhill, please do request some help from the marshalls (aka “Staff”, you will spot them at their yellow tops). You will position yourself behind the staff member who will ensure a safe slowish descent; you might even want to take advantage of the stabilization provided by your helper, to practice your own braking in safety.
There is no shame in deciding to call it quits before the end and riding the “métro” back home. If you feel a bit in over your head, there’s always next sunday to try and do a longer part. Most falls can be traced back to excessive tiredness reducing one’s awareness of the surroundings, balance, and ability to react. We highly recommend you wear adequate protective gear, no matter your level of skating expertise.